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A two-wallet system refers to the use of two separate wallets within a financial or digital ecosystem. One wallet typically holds a user's primary funds or assets for everyday transactions, while the other serves as a reserve or savings wallet for storing larger sums or long-term investments. Additionally, it may offer added security benefits, as the reserve wallet can act as a backup in case of loss or theft of the primary wallet. At Binixcapital, we can work with two wallet

Yes, We offer manual crypto currency deposit, Manual Bank deposit is also included. This is to show our commitment to our Investors, so that it will be an easy and seamless transaction for them.

We offer multiple pathways in order for an Investor to withdraw their funds easily, just request for a withdrawal from your account dashboard, fill in your details and click on submit.

To upgrade their ranking badge, users typically need to demonstrate increased engagement, contributions, or achievements within the platform.

A referral level system incentivizes users to refer others to a platform or service by rewarding them based on the number or quality of referrals they generate. As users successfully refer more individuals, they progress through different levels, unlocking increasingly valuable rewards or benefits such as discounts, exclusive access, or even monetary incentives.

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